After evaluating over 200,000 assessments, it is clear that JCL Logistics is “TOP ARBEITGEBER 2019”. JCL Logistics took third place in the “Transport and Logistics” sector. A total of 300 companies are included in the list of TOP ARBEITGEBER 2019. More than 1,000 employers with 200 or more employees in Austria were identified for the survey. In the overall ranking, JCL ranked 101st.
The award as an attractive employer is an important confirmation of JCL’s personnel policy. The company stands for qualified, motivated and experienced employees and attaches great importance to education and training opportunities. “The basis of our success is the combination of a considerate cooperation, the lived environmental and social awareness and the economic strength of the company in the growth market logistics”, explains Edda Tripolt, HR Manager at JCL Logistics. “Specialists and talents want to contribute their skills and develop further. They value attractive working conditions, the corporate culture and work-life balance as well as the external image of the company”. The award now received is intended to further strengthen the company’s external image as a quality feature and serve as orientation and decision-making aid for job seekers.
There are numerous job opportunities with career opportunities for specialists and career changers alike. In recent years, the logistics industry, driven by globalization and online trade, has recorded high growth rates, but the number of skilled workers has not grown at the same pace. There is a shortage of managers and specialists for disposition, warehouse management and drivers.
Information to approximately 50 open jobs with JCL is to be reread on